Do you ever blog just to gush about how happy an outfit makes you? Sometimes you have something technical to say about your makes, sometimes you want to share about your sewing plans or your thoughts on a certain make and other times it’s simply to journal the happiness you feel when you put on an outfit. This is one such post. 

A post on reflecting on the little good things because it’s easier to narrow your focus down to the smallest happiest things when your mind wants to plague you with the unwanted depressing thoughts. This past month has been difficult with decisions revolving around kids’ schools, and disappointments related to buying a house and sometimes it’s all just too much! It’s an old coping mechanism of mine that when things get overwhelming and I have no control of the situation or outcome, I tend to refocus my attention to the smaller good things in my life. I suppose I’m an optimistic person because those small things often times bring inexplicable joy. I couldn’t adequately put in words how much joy these little pearl buttons with their iridescent shine on the orchid gingham linen are bringing me today!

I recently placed an order with the fabric store and purchased exactly two fabrics. One, this vintage finish linen in bone with which I made one of my most favorite pairs of pants using the Nara pants pattern. You can see more pictures on my ig here. And two, this gingham linen in a dusky orchid color. I was planning on making a simplicity pattern that I’ve had since the time I started sewing and have made it a couple times. I’m so glad I changed my mind in the last minute though. I didn’t know if that pattern would’ve quite done justice to this absolutely gorgeous linen.

This is the Peppermint Paddington Top designed by Sarah of French Navy Patterns and it’s a free pattern. The sleeves in this linen fabric are so dreamy and puffy and all things beautiful! You already know how I feel about the shell buttons on this color. This top is so well-balanced in it’s proportions. The high neckline, short and plain bodice along with the billowy, puffy, elasticized sleeves are simple and detailed all at once and this top screams happiness to me.

The pairing with this shorts was not preplanned. I did what I’ve come to do regularly these days, that is try the newest make with ten other things in my closet to see which one appeals to me more. I never even planned to photograph these shorts. I made them to check fit and size and do wear them regularly at home. These are the Pomona Pants and shorts by Anna Allen Clothing and patterns. I’ve blogged about the tapered pants version here. These are view C or the shorts view that I made in a 100% linen from Joann Fabrics in size 4. They get pretty saggy and wrinkly which is why all my subsequent Pomonas are a size down (size 2, for reference my waist is 27.5″). So anyway, this whole outfit for me came together like it was meant to be! And as you can see, has been cause for much happiness these days! It’s strange isn’t it? how sometimes the most ordinary bring things bring the most joy?!

So while this post doesn’t have a lot of relevant or useful sewing information, I wanted to blog so I could journal these thoughts today 🙂

My ig post on this outfit covers all details on the fabric, size and modifications but comment here or dm me if you have any questions and I’ll be happy to help!



2 thoughts on “Paddington top and Pomona shorts

    1. Thank you so much Abbey! I dunno if I have anything in this color but I’m smitten now! And these shorts are so comfortable and I like this inseam length. They are also super quick to make!


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